Judy Anderson's Dog Training Services




Behavior consultation with you and your dog to see how things are working and discuss what training you need or what program might be right for you. It is possible, we work on some issues that you are having in the one session. This could be all you need or we might use this as the gateway into a scheduled program. If that’s the case, the one-time session will be included in a packaged price. Also, I will include a written plan, emailed to you at a later date.



LEASH HANDLING: (Puppies and Dogs)

Does your dog walk you instead of the other way around? Bad experiences walking your dog? I think I can help. My plan with Boise Dog Training LLC is to focus on energy between you and your dog, as well as, utilizing effective techniques and resources in different environments for a fair and simple approach to walking your dog on leash. Included in this program is a two-step process. There will be three training sessions (determination of how many are needed based on my progress with your dog), which include me beginning the process of working with your dog directly (sessions may be back to back). These training sessions will introduce your dog and you to the training equipment and the concept of walking calmly together. Then one follow-up session with a structured walk (approximately 1/2 hour to 1 hour). Also included is a refresher session (if needed) to be completed within 6 months to a year (up to you) Price: $250; this includes a leash and pet corrector.



Let's work on relationship and respect for each other. It's doubtful that any dog has every gotten in trouble when they were calm. Therefore, in this program, we focus on teaching calm or impulse control to your dog, which allows for your relationship to build with a positive team concept. Most training programs focus on teaching verbal commands. In leadership training we begin with a program that is a little different than typical obedience commands. This program starts with an emphasis on how dogs think, communicate, and learn. Also, dogs have internal pack drive. A pack leader is a critical figure to a canine. A pack leader is responsible for making decisions for the group. If we want our dog to respond to our wishes and be attentive to us, we must understand and practice the importance of pack drive in the human and dog relationship.

Leadership training is similar to the LEASH HANDLING program at the beginning, but it includes additional training in your home and generalizing the training in areas of your choosing. It's all about relationship building, and a clear understanding of expectations using a 5-step program with effective communication techniques. The truth is a positive relationship built on respect and effective communication allows for the dog to be a part of their human's life while probably having more freedoms.

During this training, we will also introduce the important verbal command of place/bed and the beginning of recall. Included will be the leash, collar, pet corrector, long line, and mat. The number of sessions will be at least 5 sessions (times will vary); the price is $400

What to expect: During the first week (we might have 2 sessions, back to back) I work with your dog on introduction to equipment. Then you and I begin the foundation work of moving forward with calm energy and functioning as a pack; both inside and outside the home. There is a minimum of 5 sessions with training and structured activities once a week. Again, our focus is an introduction to equipment, relationship building, and generalization. This program does address behavior problems with an overall view of the dog learning what is expected and the human and dog learning how to live together as a pack.

Also included is a refresher session (if needed) to be completed within 6 months to a year (up to you).



Verbal commands have been a way that humans use to communicate to their dogs, however, without guidance, many people are not as successful at teaching their dog, without knowing how to train their dog themselves. At Boise Dog Training, we can add VERBAL COMMANDS, such as, sit, down, and more advanced recall and place commands in addition to the leadership training (see above) using what is known as operant conditioning training techniques when teaching additional verbal commands. There will be a minimum of 8 lessons. The price will be $600; included is the equipment in Leadership Training.



ADDING VERBAL COMMANDS: sit, down, and more advanced recall; techniques of using markers and treats for this additional training. This will be 6 additional lessons from Full Circle Training, The additional price will be $350; total number of lessons would be 13.

TRAIL WALKING: Trail walking is a popular outdoor activity involving walking on a natural path or trail. However, it is vital to teach your dog the expectations of being on a trail, whether leashed or unleashed. I can help train a heel or a "with me" command on the trail. It is also imperative that a human can call their dog back to them when unleashed; therefore, a strong recall is essential. Another area that should be covered is whether your dog is comfortable with dogs on a trail. If this is an issue, we can discuss training and management techniques to keep your dog and other dogs safe in the open outdoors. If this interests you, a consultation would be advised to determine the best program that fits your needs. Price TBD

ELECTRONIC COLLAR TRAINING AND RECALL: If you're looking for an effective way to improve your dog's training, electronic collars can be a powerful tool to consider. Modern electronic collars have come a long way since their inception in the 1960s. When used with an effective methodology while understanding the usefulness of different stimulation levels, e-collars can help you teach your dog expectations both on and off-leash, improving your relationship and allowing you to reinforce positive behaviors. At Boise Dog Training LLC, we're confident in our ability to help you introduce and train your dog using effective e-collar methods. We follow the methodology of The Monks of New Skete and Dog Trainer Marc Goldberg, as featured in the book, The Art of Training Your Dog, and we're committed to working with you to help achieve your goals. Contact us to learn how we can help you use electronic collars to train your dog effectively. Price TBD


I would highly recommend The Full Circle Training program. Most behavior problems can be addressed with the above training and additional time working on the program.  However, through consultation there maybe recommendations to consult with a Veterinarian or try additional methods. Bottom line, let’s get together to determine a program to address the behavior problems with proven effective training methods. Price: TBD.


AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB CANINE GOOD CITIZEN: (3 or more requests for a class)

The AKC’S Canine Good Citizen (CGC) was started in 1989. The program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club.

Many dog owners choose Canine Good Citizen training as the first step in training their dogs. The Canine Good Citizen Program lays the foundation for other AKC activities such as obedience, agility, tracking, and performance events. As you work with your dog to teach the CGC skills, you'll discover the many benefits and joys of training your dog. Training will enhance the bond between you and your dog. Dogs who have a solid obedience education are a joy to live with-they respond well to household routines, have good manners in the presence of people and other dogs, and they fully enjoy the company of the owner who took the time to provide training, intellectual stimulation, and a high quality life. We sincerely hope that CGC will be only a beginning for you and your dog and that after passing the CGC test, you'll continue training in obedience, agility, tracking, or performance events.

  • CGC obedience start to finish and testing (up to 16 weeks). TBD
  • Intermediate obedience start level CGC and testing (my dog has some training with obedience commands) (8 WEEKS).TBD


PACK WALKING (based on three or more clients requesting the class): Free!

Interactive opportunity for human to practice walking with dog along other pack walkers and their dog. Class is facilitated by Boise Dog Training LLC. On leash program. Prerequisite: LEASH HANDLING.
Note: Other client dogs are needed, so this is a class designed with other clients involved.   



For any training to be effective, it is important that the human recognize, success is greatly based on their own involvement and continued commitment to working with their pooch on training methods and teaching their dog what is expected. As mentioned, the success will vary, but in addition to working with a trainer, it is recommended for the client to work with their dog on their own, minimally once a day, for 15 minutes.
It is noted, that if additional training times are requested, but the client doesn’t want to be in a program, the hourly rate will be $80 per session (shorter sessions and pricing are available).  




Dog Nosework BoiseINTRO TO NOSEWORK-THE BUILDING BLOCKS: 6 weeks; once a week

This 6-week course will introduce you and your dog to this exciting and fun detection-style sport. This course is designed to allow your dog to work at using his/her basic scenting instincts. This is done by using the dog’s curiosity and desire to hunt for what they love the most, toys or food.  It’s a great way for you and your dog to have fun, and for your pooch to build confidence, exercise in a small place, while stimulating and exhausting that that canine brain!

Requirement: Yummy treats, treat bag (I will some too), a flat collar or pulling harness (nothing correction based) and a leash (preferably 6-10 feet). Price: TBD.


INTRO TO ODOR: 6 weeks; once a weekBoise Dog Training

This 6-week course is geared to those students that have successfully completed the intro to nose work course. In this class, the odor birch will be introduced and paired with food or toys to prepare your dog to search independently for odor and to compete in canine nose work. Additionally, the searches expand in difficulty, which include outdoor and vehicle searches.


ADVANCED CLASSES: 6 weeks; once a week

These classes will be based on expanding the difficulty of searches and dogs targeting all three odors of birch, anise and close. These classes will also include all four search areas used in NACSW competition, which are boxes, interior and exterior searches, as well as, vehicle searches.



Judy Anderson, Boise Dog Training LLC

Associate Canine Nose work Instructor

Phone: (208) 620-8484




Want to do something fun with your dog? Want to be a part of a dog sport that allows every kind of dog to participate? Then consider canine nose work.  Boise Dog Training LLC will be hosting six week courses in the dog sport or game of scent detection for companion dogs. This sport is great for any companion dog. It’s an easy to learn activity which builds confidence and focus in many dogs, and provides a safe way to keep dogs fit and healthy through mental and physical exercise.


The K9 Nose Work class concept and sport was created to provide an opportunity for the companion and sport dog to have an outlet for their natural hunting and scenting abilities and was inspired by the model of working detection dogs. The terms nose work, fun nose work, scent work, search work are all commonly used references to describe any activity where the dog is using its nose to locate a target scent or odor. Tracking, one of the most widely known scenting disciplines is another great outlet for nose work, but often people are limited by access to tracking areas. K9 Nose work can be done anywhere, anytime; thus a new sport for dogs living in any setting became available.

K9 Nose Work classes use many foundational techniques of detection but they were not developed or intended as a foundation program for any kind of professional detection (SAR, narcotics, explosives, cadaver, etc.)The purpose of a K9 Nose work class is to engage the dog in the game of nose work and to teach the handler how to read their dog and build a team relationship all while having fun. Nose Work is a great skill to develop in the dog that can build the dog’s confidence, reduce environmental sensitivity and provide mental and physical exercise through teamwork with their handler. Ultimately what we are building in the dog is:

  • A desire to search for something we want them to find.
  • A willingness to search for it when we want them to.
  • An ability to communicate to us that they have found it, knowing that there is a great reward at the end of that search.

The focus of the classes should always be, first and foremost, fun for the dog and fun for the handler. K9 Nose Work classes have been constructed in a way that opens the activity to all dogs and handlers at all levels, from top-level sport competitor to recent shelter rescues. For those who want to pursue a more intensive side of Nose Work, the NACSW offers titling trials in competitive K9 Nose Work.



Let us train your dog for you.

Request a consultation today.